Wednesday, 21 August 2013


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Is social media a good thing for the new generation or is it a destroyer?

Yes social media is powerful, wonderful and all that but, don’t you think social media is killing us? I mean it is a world of short cuts, where meeting is no longer important, we just say we will communicate online or via Facebook, twitter and the rest. We also find that in social media words are written using shortcuts, for example we make use of words such as lyk, lol, evn the list is endless.

My point here is that as wonderful as social media is portrayed to be, don’t you think there is some where it is essentially destroying us. Most students in Universities or learners in high schools find it hard to spell because of the world of social media that we live in, where words are written with the use of shortcuts and the avoidance if writing the whole word.( read more)

Think about this, sometimes one struggles to write a word because we are so used to writing words using short cuts, do you think it is a good thing or is the world going to change and we no longer have to write in full text?. The answer to that is obviously not, the world will never change and we only write words using shortcuts.

So let’s think critically about this, imagine you are public relations practitioner for a certain school in Limpopo and you had metric learners fail decimally on their English subject because they could not spell and spelled a number of their words using shortcuts because they are so used to it that it comes as second nature to them. May be social media is not as wonderful and we think it is.(read more)